First of all, I made it to Guatemala, Antigua to be exact. If you don’t follow me on instagram or facebook, I’ll add some pictures so you blog readers don’t feel left out. This picture is my team. Left to right. Shelley, Anna, Kaci, Joe, Shannon, and Marielle in the front.
Guatemala was my favorite country I lived in on the race. I loved Antigua and I was so excited to come back to such a beautiful city. I mean, how can you not love the beauty?
I have a confession to make though. I had expectations about how I’d feel walking these cobble stone streets again. I had expectations about how I would feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Last time I was in Antigua I was walking the streets with these ladies.
I was in a different time in my life, a different season, a different feel. It’s not a bad different, just different. I don’t know how to describe the feeling I thought was going to happen but it didn’t. Because I didn’t have that feeling I thought that was God telling me he’s not calling me to Guatemala. So I got a bit discouraged and started talking to Him about it. I started praying for my future and He told me to stop. Stop worrying about your future. The future is in My hands, I have your future figured out. You don’t need to do anything but be in Guatemala right now. I’ve sent you there, haven’t I? You are sitting here, talking to me, give it all to me and just BE. Be in this moment. Be in this season. Be in this day. Be in tomorrow, not yesterday, not a week from now, be in the NOW.
I realized I’ve been spending a lot of time putting this pressure on myself to have my future figured out for May. In May this season I’ve committed to will be over. Everyone wants to know what happens next. It’s not a bad question to ask but sometimes God wants us to sit in the moment. Let’s stop asking what the future has in store for us. What the future has in store for our friends. Let’s start asking what God has us in right now. What does God have you in right now? What are you learning right now?
Right now, I’m in Guatemala. I’m learning about myself. I’m learning what God wants me to grow in. I’m working on relationships with the people I live with. I’m working on acting in my confidence, taking myself more seriously. I’m working on doing a 1 minute plank. Next week I might work on a 1 minute 15 second plank but I don’t need to set that goal now. I don’t need to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about it self.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it’s own. Matthew 6:34
Maybe that’s what you need to work on today. I don’t know, all I can tell you is what I’m learning and it’s hard. It’s real hard but I know that my Fathers plan is way better than any worry I put on myself. I want to put my future in His hands. What do you need to put in His hands? Do you trust Him with it?