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How Great Is My God: Belize Edition

Last week I was in Belize for a visa run. You might not know what that is, and it’s okay…allow me to explain. I’m in Guatemala, my visa is only good for 3 months before I have to leave and reenter the country. I’m staying in Guatemala for 4 months so I needed to leave, along with the rest of CGA and staff. We had an opportunity to go to Belize for a couple days so we went and now I’m good to stay in Guatemala for another 3 months. 

Now that you all understand that I would love to tell you about my trip and what the Lord spoke to me while I was there. One night several of us decided to sit on the beach and watch the stars. I started in a lounge chair, ended up sitting in the sand close to the water. 
The waves and wind were loud, I don’t think I could have heard someone behind me if they were screaming at me. What a better place to talk to Jesus? I started to thank Him out loud, for the stars, for the breeze, for the ocean, for the love he’s given me, for the pursuit he’s given me, for grace, for his character. As I continued praying I decided to write down the realizations I was having about His creation. 
“Just like I can’t capture with my camera exactly what my eyes see, I can’t imagine your full beauty. You get to show me in small fractions of time. You get to tell me your heart. You get to teach me your Grace over my lifetime. But I will never ever be able to imagine the fullness of you without you first showing me. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord! You can’t even be capture in one being, there are 3 parts and I get to be connected to you. That means I don’t know the greatness you are in me. I can’t imagine the greatness you see in me. You get to show me over time. Refine my spots that need to be polished. Through the community I place myself in. Through the people I choose to be in my company. Thank you Father. You call me your Bride. What? I am yours. Thank you that even that truth takes several moments/days/months to sink in. You are grand. You are so big. You are mine. You call me your Beloved. Chosen.”
As I was praying this morning I realized it’s not just the community I put myself in, it’s seasons He has chosen for me. This season I’m in, these people I live with, they are here for a reason. I have something to learn from them, they have something to gain from me. I have the choice to accept it or not. If he has me here, with these people, I desire to know why. 
My God is so big, I can’t even begin to capture Him with my mind. It seems like I’m asking him questions about his character every single day. So many questions, so many things to learn, and my whole life to find out just how grand my Groom is. The one who desires to be in an intimate relationship with me. The person I am because of Him. Because of who He is in me. My whole life, and even then, I won’t have even began the surface level. Wow, he’s so grand. I mean, his creation. His sunrises. It’s not like I’ve ever said “oh, I’ve already seen this one before.” I don’t ever think I’ll say it either. 
Is there something you desire to know more about our King? Has He shown you a new part of himself lately? What is it?