I mentioned my prayer journal I started a couple posts back. I wanted to tell you a little bit more about it. Maybe you’d like to start one but have no idea how. This is how I do it, feel free to adopt it, adapt it, and put your own spin on it.
I have a journal. On each page there is a person (or couple) I want to pray for. Every time I pray for them, I circle them. I usually have a specific way I’m praying, a specific request. So, I’ll pray that over them and circle it as I pray. At times God gives me more ways to pray for them, I’ll write that word or phrase down to pray and circle it too. I go through my journal every morning, praying for each page.
Below is an example of two pages that happen to be prayers for myself. You can add pictures, sketches, or even doodle around the word, doesn’t really matter. This is a way for me to see my prayers physically. I personally like it when the circle turns black, I tend to use a different color each day and when it gets black I know I’ve prayed hard and spent time on them, I’ll keep circling them until I rip the paper, and then I’ll move the word to another spot on the paper to continue praying.
This morning I had an amazing time praying. I was reflecting on each page, each person. I started this three and a half weeks ago and I’m starting to see fruit from my prayers. It was so cool to sit and write notes to some circles and say that there’s improvement, or even that it’s been answered. I am so excited to add people to my journal and hear how God is going to answer those prayers I’m praying. He will most likely blow my expectations, of what the answered prayer looks like, out of the water.
Prayer is so important. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; when someone tells me they’ve been praying for me I melt inside. You mean you took time out of your day to talk to our Father about me? To ask Him to bless me, to guide me through my day, to love me well. What ever it is you pray, you thought of me. What a humbling blessing you are. I just want to bless people like you’ve all blessed me.
Do you already have a prayer journal? Share what it’s like. Will you start one? It doesn’t have to look like mine but can I ask you to record your prayers? You’ll want to look back on it and see the ways the Lord showed up, even the ways you didn’t think he would. He answers prayers every day, all you have to do is watch for them, it’s a whole lot easier to watch if you have it written down.
Do you want to be on a page in my journal? I know I want you to be! Email, text, call, message me a prayer request. Be prepared for me to follow up 3-4 weeks later asking how it’s going, asking how God is answering my prayers. I just love you guys. Thank you for all your prayers.