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2015 In Pictures

Maybe you’ve followed me the past year, maybe you haven’t. Regardless, I’d like to show you how you’ve supported me over the past year. 

You see, I was thinking about doing taxes for 2015. I called H&R Block and explained I needed to file my taxes, but I didn’t make any money. The nice lady on the other line kind of giggled and told me I don’t need to file taxes if I didn’t make anything. My first response was that of excitement, what an easy item to strike out on my to-do list. As I was explaining this to my brother he asked how I could live on no income for a whole year. I mean, that’s a good question but it didn’t sink in. This morning I was talking to a friend about jobs, income, and life in the “real world.” It hit me. I lived a whole year, with out want on zero income. I mean, sure I hung out with my cousins this summer while my aunt and uncle kindly paid me, I’ve gotten “random” checks or cash just when I thought my bank account looked a little slim, and my family has provided more meals for me free of charge than I could ever count. Do you know how weird it sounds to say you’ve had no income for the past year to file taxes, yet look back and realize you wanted for nothing? NOTHING. It’s weird but I wouldn’t change it. The support I have behind me is beyond amazing. Amazing isn’t even a big enough word for it, because it’s over used. You get what I’m saying though, right? 
With out further ado, my year in pictures. 
January, Joseph. He’s from Malawi and after spending the month with him, he wanted to know Jesus. He wouldn’t let me leave Malawi until he knew Jesus personally. 
February, Mom. I spent a week doing ministry with my mom. She found her calling.
March, Won and Samart. I spent a month teaching these goons English, by the end I found out they knew more than they were letting on. I could actually have a conversation with them, and we spent time teaching them the alphabet. 
April, Vancy. I turned 30 and ate something from Vancy’s shop every single day. From a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to a mango lime shake. 
May, missionary kids. We spent 2 weeks with these children whose parents have chosen to be missionaries. They know all about the bible, so it was cool to teach them how to speak to the Father more intimately. 
June, Tessa. She has compassion for anything that breaths, and grace that spills into every relationship she is involved in. 
July, Sonny. She has a caring heart, a willing spirit, and a contagious laugh. 
August, Jazzy. She has a beautiful heart that wants to help, dance moves that beat anyone in a competition, and thoughtfulness beyond comprehension. Not to mention, she learned how to make pancakes this summer.
September, reunited. I was reunited with this batch of crazies from D-squad. We aren’t all pictured here but every one of them make my heart happy. 
October, training camp. We had the opportunity to pray over 4th generation D-Squad. They’ll leave this week to impact the world and allow their teammates to challenge them so they look more like Jesus at the end of the year than they do now.
November, Missions Track. These people are who I spent my semester in CGA with. They are missionaries, going to India, Philippines, and Guatemala. 
December, family. This year I spent Christmas at home. The first one at home in 2 years. 
Wow, what a crazy year. I’m thankful for each person who has had a part in this year. Whether I met you in another country, you’re my family, you’re my Facebook friend, you’re my best friend, or you’re my supporter, I love you all. 

I’m still in need of $1,139 to be fully supported for my time in Guatemala. If you’d like to support me please click the link on the left hand side of this blog. You can support monthly for the next 4 months even. It’s easy peasy.