Adventure week is what they call it. A time where they (CGA staff) ask us to spend time seeking what the Father has for us. We are challenged to get outside of our comfort zones, away from Gainesville, away from the “norm” that we’ve become comfortable with. My team is Joe, Shelley, Kaci, and myself. We’re all headed to Guatemala together on Monday, plus two others who make their way to us this weekend. With the encouragement of Kaci, I bought my first ever selfie stick. I was ready for adventure, and so pumped about the $3 selfie stick purchase. #selfiesticklife
On Monday we set out after all staff worship. Our destination was Duluth, GA where we stayed with the Eddy’s, who graciously let us crash their home. Before we arrived we browsed an electronic store, Wal*Mart, park, strange Asian coffee shop, and a Starbucks with little fruit. (The fella’s talked to Juan at a park and he was greatly encouraged.) We put a sign to offer free prayer and encouragement at the coffee shops but no one took the bait. We decided to make our way to the Eddy’s, who welcomed us with open arms. After a couple hours warming up and resting we decided we needed to get some grub. We found our way to Ruby Tuesday’s where we met Brandon, but we called him Kurt, a nickname if you will. Kurt fit right in with us, he was funny, encouraging, and just plain fun. He decided that we needed to come back, and refused to take a picture with us because that meant that he’d never see us again. We prayed for him after we heard a bit of his story, and promised we would come back before we left the area. Kurt, what a stand up guy. He’s going to do big things, God has great plans for this man.
We went back to Ruby Tuesday’s Wednesday, as promised, to give Kurt some final words of encouragement and have one last plate of croutons, actually, that is just me who’s obsessed with the croutons. We had written words our Father had given us for Kurt and delivered them in the form of folded up notes.
There are so many encouraging stories I could tell you from this week. I don’t tell you these things so you can look at my team and say we are great or talk about how “Godly” we are for encouraging people we cross paths with. I tell you this to hopefully spark something inside you to want to go out and do this on your own, or with a group of friends. This shouldn’t have been something we had to be encouraged by our leaders to do. This is something we should be doing daily. When I visit a restaurant, what is stopping me from asking the server if I can pray for/with them? Nothing besides fear of how silly I might sound. Are you okay with sounding silly? Are you okay with looking foolish to the world?
What’s stopping you from sitting with a “free prayer” sign any where you go in public? You’d be surprised how many people encourage you when you feel like you’re supposed to be the one encouraging others. If you’re ever feeling down and wonder where God is, put up a sign asking for free prayer. You might be surprised at the responses you get.