When I was on the race, I lived in a village in Malawi. There was no electricity, no running water and that meant no light pollution, many great star gazing opportunities. One night my team decided to lay on the ground and watch the stars. We thought it would be really neat to see a shooting star, so naturally, we prayed for one. Not very much time went by before we saw a streak of light across the sky. We prayed for another one and again, our prayer was answered. It happened for a good while, praying and shooting stars. So many of them. We found out at the end of the month there was a meteor shower later that night, but we still saw it as God answering our prayers.
Fast-forward to this week. I’m in Georgia, did you guys know that? I officially moved into my house on Friday, September 11th. We started a camping trip on Monday, September 14th, hiking the Appalachian trail and camping in the woods. The first night we arrived at our camping spot, set up camp and realised there was lots of stars in the sky. I told my team about our experience in Malawi, so they asked me to pray for another shooting star. I did and God answered almost immediately with a shooting star. We were quite excited as we laid our heads on our pillows to sleep for the night. The next day we headed off to hike our last bit of the trail and ended at a beautiful spot. We rolled out our tarp and decided to sleep under the stars.
We talked about life, got to know one another, and discussed some questions we had been praying about during our hike; waiting for it to get dark so we could finally ask for another shooting star. The time came, everyone decided I should ask since it’s seemed to work so well in the past. “Jesus, can you please show us a shooting star? We really enjoy them and it would be awesome to see one!” And He delivered. We were just like kids shrieking at a firework show every time we saw a new star burn across the sky, in-between continuous conversation. He finished off with a bright star that sailed across the entire tree line. We squealed and quickly grabbed the arm of the person lying next to us incase they weren’t paying attention.
God gets excited with us, he loves seeing us smile, and lots of times it’s the smallest things that make me smile or shriek with excitement.
The next day we woke up and found out we were going to spend 24 hours alone with God. WHAT? I’m an outgoing person, I can’t spend 24 hours in silence. I’m going to need someone to talk to. Oh, and don’t forget to camp within sight of two other people. No way. This is torture.
Be on the lookout for my next blog about how my 24 hours silent and alone with God went. He taught me some hard things about myself, and it all started with shooting stars.