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Hello, It’s Me

By now you’ve probably heard Adele’s new song, Hello. If you haven’t, you must not listen to the radio, do you? I sing it just about every day. My roommate Emily and I always sing it to each other. We change the words, sing it to our dog, sing it to the shower, sing it to anyone that’s listening. You get the gist. 

Adele talks about how she’s called this person at least 1000 times. She’s probably lost count if it’s been so long. Any ways, she wants to apologize about something she has done, she dreams about it even, about all the times they spent together. 

So I thought, “How can I relate this to Jesus?” 

Easy, God calls us all the time. In fact, he’s probably tried to talk to me over 1000 times in my life, but he doesn’t stop calling. He doesn’t keep a record of our missed calls. When we don’t answer, sometimes He leaves voicemails for someone else to deliver. A note of appreciation shows up, an unexpected hug at just the right moment, a nice interaction with the lady at the grocery store, a friend you haven’t talked to in a while sends a message because they were “just thinking of you,” or maybe your brother calls and you end up chatting about aliens, time travel, and space warp. That last one happened this week, it was lovely.

Isn’t it cool how the Body of Christ works? If I’m not feeling like picking up the phone, He’ll talk to someone else who is, and have them give me a message. When I’m answering His calls, he gives me a message for someone who hasn’t picked up on Him in a while. If you are feeling far away just take a minute to look back on your day and see where God was communicating with you, through someone else. Maybe you’re feeling real good, you’ve answered a couple of God’s calls lately; ask Him who He’d like to leave a voicemail for. Don’t forget to deliver it. 

God loves to talk to us, don’t ignore His calls too long. He’s persistent, He will keep calling, more than 1000 times. Jesus doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, or missed calls for that matter. How many missed calls do you have? How many voicemails have you delivered lately? 

And for fun, a quick video because I think Ellen is hilarious.