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You’re Worthy of Heavenly Pursuit

If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to read a blog I wrote last semester. What Are YOU Worthy Of?

This blog will be a bit of a continuation. The Father has been continuing to speak to me about worth, and actually walking it out. Not just believing it in my head but believing it with my heart. It seems silly but sometimes we like to pretend like we get something the Lord is telling us, yeah yeah, I get it…I’m worthy. Okay…I get it, haven’t you told me enough times? Like when our parents tell us they love us. My dad is famous for saying “Have I told you I love you yet today?” No Dad, you haven’t, but I know you’re going to now. I think I still have the same reaction I did when I was a kid and he asked me. I’d get a huge smile on my face, answer, then tell him I knew he loved me when he expressed his love for me. Maybe adding an eye roll at how cheesy the question is, but it still feels good to hear, even after 30 years. 

Imagine my surprise when my heavenly Father wanted to talk to me more about worth after He already told me I’m worthy. I may have rolled my eyes a little bit. “But you’ve already told me I’m worthy. I get it, I’m worthy.” 

“You’re worth being pursued.”

“You’re worthy of heavenly pursuit.”

“You are my Bride.”

*blush* yeah yeah. I’ve heard it before. Are you sure you have more to teach me about worth? I think I got it. 

He’s pursuing me better than any man could. He’s showing me the ultimate pursuit. A proper, gentleman-like pursuit. Let’s be real about something; I don’t know how to let Him pursue me. What the heck does that even look like? In fact, I stopped talking to God for a week after he told me he wanted to pursue me. This is what I was doing; trying to control the situation. Turns out I like to be in control and know what’s going on, how it’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen, and who it’s going to happen with. If I am saying a full YES to his pursuit, I can’t be in control, I can’t have expectations of what that looks like. So, I gave up expectations. I still think I have somewhat of a hold on the unknown. I don’t think I’ve given up full control yet, I don’t know how, but I do know that each part I let go of, He’s ready to fill. He’s ready to step in and show me himself. It starts with trust. 

Without TRUST, pleasure is substituted for intimacy. 
Without TRUST, I loose my identity.
Without TRUST, I can reach my potential but never experience my DESTINY.

Those are quotes from a George Logan sermon, a pastor we listen to every Friday. 

So, what do you need to trust Him with? How is the Father trying to speak to you? What has He been speaking over and over to you about that He wants to continue? 


I’m still in need of support to become fully funded, please consider praying about becoming a financial partner. The bar up top isn’t full yet, but I trust my Father will provide.