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Thoughts & Inspiration

Are You A Fool for God?

Adventure week is what they call it. A time where they (CGA staff) ask us to spend time seeking what the Father has for us. We are challenged to get outside of our comfort zones, away from Gainesville, away from…

2015 In Pictures

Maybe you’ve followed me the past year, maybe you haven’t. Regardless, I’d like to show you how you’ve supported me over the past year.    You see, I was thinking about doing taxes for 2015. I called H&R Block and…

What are YOU Worthy of?

I had a final presentation due for one of my classes this semester, I wrote an earlier blog about my 24 Hours Alone With Jesus click the link if you need a refresher.  This blog is a follow up of where…

Hello, It’s Me

By now you’ve probably heard Adele’s new song, Hello. If you haven’t, you must not listen to the radio, do you? I sing it just about every day. My roommate Emily and I always sing it to each other. We…

Flashback: 1 year

One year ago I was in Zambia, I wrote this blog about being in love with Jesus. I still remember the day, the heat, the living room I was sitting in. I wanted to take you back. I really needed…

Story Time

I asked a former teammate, and current co-worker to give me a funny memory he had with me. Pretty quickly, his mind went to Malawi when we lived in the bush. It was probably one of my favorite months in…

The Importance Of Prayer

I mentioned my prayer journal I started a couple posts back. I wanted to tell you a little bit more about it. Maybe you’d like to start one but have no idea how. This is how I do it, feel…

Training Camp!

You might be confused by the title of this blog. Don’t worry, you aren’t missing some key piece to my story, I’m talking about training camp that new World Racers are attending right now, at the office.   There’s a…